
Hi,  => Did some progress on Web Development Boot camp => Lots of college work also... :sad_emoji => Learning to use English articles correctly. => Learning crash course AI on crash course youtube channel. => Using github project and issue features to plan my activity... It's great! => JavaTpoint is great resource for my clg works, atleast for me. => In clg, learning Digital fundamentals - logic gates. => Learned abt, database architectures Bye, Kavin.

CS50x 2023

            Started CS50x 2023, after completing my personal website project! It feels challenging and satisfying to solve problem sets. I learned a lot of new concepts.     Using cs50 github codespaces for a while, it is really great! with powerful features.      Currently at week 9 Flask, after this final project. I am thinking of web app that has timer, music, and etc. to implement something like productivity/focus app. Still not decided about, implementation, but I am confident i will get thru this.    Submission date 1/1/24, before that I need to submit that. Kavin, peace.

A personal website project

Hi, I've made a personal website using only html and css, without any frameworks! It took 2 days to complete.  It looks great! You must check it out. Personal website  and it's  Repository

Web design

I started web design section on my udemy course, and it's interesting.     Also, completed a project that applies bootstrap for css. I love this. Code, Kavin.   

Grid garden - Yay!

Grids! Practised css grid using grid garden. It was pretty fun and challenging. Link to Grid garden . I find out about this in udemy course that, I am taking Web development bootcamp by Angela Yu. It's been great! Next learning Bootstrap. Cheers, Kavin.

hello, world

 Hi, I am Kavin. I am a budding full-stack developer. This will be my blog for my journey in learning development. I will be sharing my activities here. Thanks, Kavin